Wondering where to start your journey?

Our flagship course was designed for you

This is the guided version of our free self-paced curriculum available here. Our goal is to help our students over the first big learning hurdles and finally have a path forward but asynchronous, self-guided study only goes so far.

Purchasing this course guarantees access to the instructor, feedback on all assignments, and gets skin in the game for both of us.

If you are not satisfied there is a money-back guarantee, just let me know and you'll get back the previous month you paid for.

Course curriculum

About this course

  • $20.00 / month
  • 96 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Our goal isn't to teach you how to hack, our goal is to teach you how to learn.


This is Roppers! Of course there are scholarships!

If you have questions about receiving a scholarship for this course, email Dennis at [email protected]

What Our Students Have to Say

Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner

Founder of Anonymous

During a Reddit AMA:

Q: "Hi Aubrey, I’m interested in learning more about cybersecurity, etc., are there any books/resources you can recommend??"
A: "I've been recommending the following resource to people. https://www.hoppersroppers.org ... such a good resource that I was able to put the Insurgency Wiki revamp on the lower priority list."

Toni Scott

Cybersecurity and Intelligence Student

The best place on the Internet to start your journey is Dennis Devey's Hopper's Roppers Academy.

Honoring the iconic Grace Hopper while inspiring and empowering you to learn. I’m enrolled in 5 courses at The Roppers Academy and this has been hands down the best course I’ve taken during my 5 year journey. It took me two years to even find what one half of these courses cover. Bonus points.... it’s free!
Join me, I’d love to see you on my CTF team.

Tony Robinson aka da_667

From his book: Building Virtual Machine Labs: A Hands-on Guide

The training has an information security focus, with the express goal of allowing "aspiring cyber security professionals to learn and grow". While some of the material is still a work in progress, the Introduction to Computing Fundamentals curriculum covers a huge variety of different topics, and provides a very strong starting point. The course is very hands-on with the instructor telling you what they would like you to accomplish with a lesson, providing links to resources to help you meet that goal, and providing a Slack channel for students to seek help.
From the book: Building VM Labs

Kevin Crowe


I can't thank you enough. Before this course, everything I tried (every course, tutorial, linkedin learning units) left me more confused than when I started. I went down the rabbit holes, got lost, got discouraged, and ultimately gave up. Now, I feel almost as if I could take on ANY course, ANY challenge, and with the tools your course gave me and enough time, I would be able to succeed. I think you've really got some things right with your course and your strategies.
I have struggled with traditional learning settings in the past. The way Roppers is structured allowed to me continue being excited and enjoy learning as I went. Though this course takes hard work, it isn't a chore. I feel ready and excited to jump into more complex and specialised courses

Purchase the Guided Course


Lead Instructor Dennis Devey

I work for the US Navy doing Digital Forensics and Incident Response. Back in school I was on our competitive Cyber Security Team and focused on building training for new members. I made this website to continue the work I had done and to share it with the widest audience possible.

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