Course Overview for Educators

Computing Fundamentals

This teacher's guide covers our flagship Fundamentals course and our Practical Networking course.

This is a self-paced curriculum that was made to help our students over the first big learning hurdles and finally have a path forward. Our material is intended to be accessible for a student with no prior knowledge. Thousands of students have worked through this material at their own pace with no dedicated teacher, so your students will be able to as well. 

Our goal is for graduates of this course to be fully self-sufficient at the computer and fully prepared to continue their education wherever it leads. 

If you look at the course content below you will see that there is almost no overlap between this supplemental course and the standard computer science curriculum. This means your students will come out well-rounded and not re-learn anything.

  • Mindset 
  • Linux Command Line
  • Build a Linux Lab
  • Linux Basics
  • Hardware
  • Advanced Linux
  • Applied Programming

The #techsupport channel on our Slack is always available to answer you or your student's questions. 

Course Material

All content is available as text here. To see what your students will see, check out the online course.

Our teacher's guides are a work in progress but will help you understand the material and our recommendations for how to use it in your classroom.